How Installing WordPress in Ubuntu

WordPress is a free open source software that was originally designed for blogs. Currently, he has grown so powerful thanks to the thousands of plug-ins that circulated on the internet.

For the bloggers who are always connected to the cyber world, no longer need to buy expensive hosting server. Simply use Ubuntu, activate LAMP,. You are able to blogging now. No need setting anymore because the data upload blog content can be copied and paste as well as ordinary file operations.

But, before you can enjoy this convenience, you should to configuring Ubuntu. Here's how Installing WordPress in Ubuntu:
1. Run Terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install wordpress

2. Create a symbolic link Apache2 www folder to your installation folder and install the new MySQL database named localhost to use WordPress. Type the following command in Terminal:
sudo ln-s / usr / share / wordpress / var / www / wordpress
sudo bash / usr / share / doc / wordpress / examples / setup-mysql-n wordpress localhost

If you already have a host name for WordPress, do not use localhost, but use the host name. For example, if your blog site is, type the command:
sudo bash / usr / share / doc / wordpress / examples / setup-mysql-n wordpress

3. If you are going to access your Wordpress server through a virtual host, create a virtual host configuration files in the folder / etc/apache2/sites-available. If so, create a symbolic link from the folder / etc/apache2/sites-enabled.

4. Restart apache2 with the command:
sudo / etc/init.d/apache2 restart

5. Now, install WordPress via a browser. Type the following address in your browser:
http://localhost/wordpress. Or, if you use a virtual host, simply type your website address.

Notes: WordPress comes from the Ubuntu repositories 9:10 still using WordPress which contains a bug. Do not forget to update it after installation on top.

source: PCplus

1 comment

  1. This is crap!

    Totally the WRONG WAY to do this. Before writing articles like this, you should learn about hosting and networking technology, including security practises!

    Also, we note that this is a splog.
