How to protect URL-Shortening virus

Although misleading applications currently offered in a similar way, we'll see more variation in the future.

Here are tips given Symantec to add your vigilance in order not to get caught by the virus links, especially with the format of the URL-shortening the usual at Twitter.

1. Be careful what you click.
Avoid clicking on the URL posted by Twitter user unknown

2. Use safe online habits.
Do not accept or open the error dialog from within a Web browser and keep the software and security patches up to date.

3. Buy software from trusted sources.
Watch out with ads that promote the security or performance tools that a system very similar to the Microsoft Windows standard alerts.

4. Apply protection.
Equip yourself with strong security software and updated to capture and download malware prevention.

For more on the safe side, it is recommended that you install Norton products for 2010 to proactively protect computers from spyware, viruses, worms, hackers, botnet or security risks other so that you can dispel the digital dangers with advanced protection

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