Settings GPRS Indosat M3
GPRS settings OTA
Send to: 3939
Example: GPRS NOKIA 7650
GPRS Settings Manual
For manual settings, read the guide from your mobile phone. For Nokia, go to the settings menu, select the connection and enter the following parameters:
Related: How to Install Mig33 on Mobile Phone
User name : gprs
Related: Make Money with Instant Messaging
Homepage :
Data Bearer : GPRS
Proxy port number : 9201 atau 8080
Related: Setting GPRS and MMS XL
You have suggestions or questions? Please leave a message, your comments and questions below via the comments box.
wah, sama nih, tapi tenang aja, g ga nyontek. kebetulan aja sama. brur, g jg punya tips untuk gratisan pake m3... tapi hanya buat dikomputer..
ReplyDeletesukses ya blognya
password : im3
ReplyDeletethis is my problem...
i can't typing words(im) in my handy,my handphone just can use number password???
please help me..
thx b4
if u have another password send me by email